Five Minutes, Five Words
The goal is to write for five minutes without stopping. We will use a word generator to get five most likely unrelated words, and we will insert these words into our writing at the rate of one per minute. So we start off with the word 'shake' and have to incorporate that somewhere in the beginning, then at the one minute mark we randomly generate another word and incorporate this into our writing. We will keep doing this until we have written for five minutes without stopping.
The first thing I feel is a shake. I have no idea where it is coming from. I am in my bed, it is early morning, and all I know is that my bed should not be shaking. I remember then this is California, my first morning here. All the day before and the day before that I was driving across plains and plateaus. Dragging company freight behind me.
This life of a trucker is a hard way to earn a living. Especially when you have only one leg and one eye. It is important I remember this and hold my head high. Though not too high, the cab of this truck is low ceilinged.
But now the shaking has stopped and I have to rise. There’s the auction at nine, and I cannot be late. I am hoping to get a good price for the truck and I want to be there when the biding starts, though it’s true I have not yet told the company I’m selling their truck. But its brake disks are failing, or is that discs? Well, either way they surely won’t want their damn truck back. And since I no longer want to be a truck driver either, it seems fitting both truck and I call it quits.
- BC
Shake it! She instructed her daughter. The girl was following a recipe for a smoothie to sip in a hot afternoon. She had included some frozen fruit and poured in the yogurt but forgot the lid open and the juice splashed all over the kitchen counter and walls. The dog, Art, ran away in fright as anticipating the mother’s scream. But, the scream never came. Instead, the mother stood there and said: No worries! It’s not important. She started wiping the messy drips and joked tasting a sample she collected with the tip of her fingers. – So good! You could auction it for school or online! Make some profit or college money… The daughter liked the idea and kept repeating her mother’s expression: it’s not important. Liking the sound of it she repeated again and again like a broken disk. The mother looked up to the ceiling as to save that moment in her memory.
- NM
The shaking and trembling from the roof was getting on his nerves. The landlord refused to wait till they were on vacation, so he and his wife were struggling through it. The freight truck out front had been there for weeks, causing problems for them with their neighbors. It wasn't as if they had any control over it, but try explaining that to the neighbors.
An important looking package had been waiting on their neighbor's porch when he'd gotten home, and they had no qualms about letting him know how it had taken days longer to arrive because the Fed Ex guy hadn't been able to find their house.
The neighbor's ran an auction out of their house every weekend and were not pleased about the various trucks and supply vans that would obstruct their house from view, making it difficult for people to find them.
He held a disk in his hand as he approached their door now, no longer worried about being held accountable because he had proof.
- FR
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